Rap Style Legal Blog

Yo, listen up, I got some legal news to share,

From landmark judgment on agreement to sell to the UK driving fare,

Wondering ’bout the legal unit limit to drive in the UK? It’s all there,

And if you pack heat in Texas, the concealed carry laws are only fair,

WTO agreements and public health – implications to beware,

But first, know the legal definition of a manufacturer, don’t be unaware,

US free trade agreements – they’re more than just a snare,

Running a small business? Get expert bookkeeping services to show you care,

When it comes to legal matters, Allegro Law LLC – they’re the best to declare,

Right in Dallas, Texas, ABC Legal is there,

And if you’re renting a place, the standard lease agreement in South Africa is fair,

So there you have it, folks, the legal scoop, no need to despair.