Energy Drink Addiction: All You Need to Know

Like any other drug addiction, the uncomfortable period of withdrawal may scare people away from quitting. However, U.S. News Health says caffeine is completely out of the body within 12 to 24 hours after the last drink. That morning craving for an energy boost is just that — the psychological manifestation of an addiction. The effects of energy drink addiction on health and quality of life are numerous. They range from increased risk of weight gain, dental problems, and cardiovascular problems, to financial difficulties.

monster energy addiction

This can make you more prone to dental issues, such as cavities . Another sign is experiencing withdrawal symptoms when abstaining from energy drinks, such as headaches, irritability, fatigue, and a depressed mood . Everyone can model good behavior by not consuming energy drinks in front of kids.

The Monster On My Back: Energy Drink Addiction

As soon as the craving for energy drinks emerges, it is important to distance oneself from the environment or the thought. Distracting activities such as short walks can do the trick. There’s no official definition for an energy drink addiction. However, for the purpose of this article, it will be defined as drinking excessive amounts of energy drinks without being able to control your intake. What can make energy drinks addictive to some people is they contain several potentially habit-forming substances, such as caffeine, as well as sugar or artificial sweeteners . Although they may not seem as harmful as drug addictions, food addictions, such as an energy drink addiction, share many behavioral similarities .

  • Or, if they need for energy drinks becomes more intense, you may want to try counseling before it develops into a much bigger problem.
  • Ingredients like Ginseng, B-vitamins, and Taurine, have been added to further improve your performance.
  • Because energy drinks and caffeine change your brain chemistry, they can prime you to become addicted to other similar substances in the future.
  • Monster Energy drink addiction is an issue among teenagers and working people.

Alyssa who is the National Director of Digital Marketing, joined the Banyan team in 2016, bringing her five-plus years of experience. She has produced a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. Through strategic marketing campaign concepts, Alyssa has established Banyan as an industry 4 ‘mocktail’ recipes for ulcerative colitis leader and a national household name. At Banyan Treatment Center Massachusetts, we know how difficult stimulant addiction can be. If you are struggling with addictions to harder chemicals like stimulant drugs, we are here to help with treatment. You use energy drinks in place of getting a good night’s sleep of at least 7-8 hours.

Signs of Energy Drink Addiction

To make up for the imbalance, the brain starts to produce less dopamine. The individual has to start consuming drugs or other substances in order to get themselves back to healthy, normal levels. Before someone forms an addiction to energy drinks, their brain begins to adapt to their habits. This is alarming seeing as the target consumer group for energy drinks are teens and young adults, especially when mixed with alcohol at bars and clubs.

Some people may feel they cannot perform their day-to-day tasks as well without energy drinks, leading to dependence. The issue with energy drinks, especially ones high in caffeine and sugar, is that they can cause your brain to release higher amounts of dopamine, the feel-good hormone . Studies have also linked frequent energy drink and sugar-sweetened beverage intake to chronic health issues, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and kidney disorders . Teachers and other school staff can educate students about the danger of consuming too much caffeine, including energy drinks. Just like with alcohol, energy drinks used in moderation are not harmful.

monster energy addiction

A caffeine cleanse is useful since caffeine can hinder sleep and impair health. You have to have an energy drink as soon as you wake up in the morning. Guru contains 100 mg of caffeine and 80 calories, which is not bad at all considering that all its ingredients are naturally derived such as green tea leaf extract and echinacea. If you’re looking for an affordable energy pack, look no further. In fact, caffeine stimulates our brain to fire on all cylinders, making sure that we’re alert and able to concentrate.

How Energy Drink Addictions Cause Other Addictions

Other ingredients include taurine, guarana, glucose, and B vitamins. Taurine helps regulate energy levels, heartbeat, and muscle contractions. Guarana increases alertness, whereas B vitamins help the body convert food to energy. The causes of this addiction can be psychological, social, and biological. Risk factors include young age, being a male, and having a history of substance use disorders.

This is due to its stimulatory impact on the neurological system. Monster Energy drink addiction may harm your health, social interactions, and other aspects of your life. Furthermore, Monster Energy drink addiction has been connected to caffeine addiction. lamictal and alcohol Recovery Unplugged uses the natural emotional connection we all have with music to help clients more readily embrace traditional evidence-based treatment practices. You will be subject to the destination website’s privacy policy when you follow the link.

Signs of energy drink addiction

Artificial sweeteners in these kinds of drinks can include Sucralose, Aspartame, Ace-K, Stevia, and Saccharin. While these are great for controlling weight gain, they also lead to sugar addictions. You might want to “go nuclear.” In other words, don’t buy energy drinks and don’t have them in the house.

But you also have to be careful because excessive caffeine consumption can lead to side effects like addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Reasons behind the addictive nature of energy drinks revolve around caffeine. A study from JAMA showed caffeine’s neuropharmacological effects could play a role in the propensity for addiction. Additionally, persons who drink these beverages also tend to mix them with alcohol, which further contributes to risky behaviors.

How Much Caffeine Does Monster Energy Drink Have?

Years ago, I spent an entire summer behind a small desk in an upstairs room at my dad’s house, studying for the Bar Exam. Cramming 18 different legal subjects into my head over the span of two months was no easy feat, and I quickly realized I needed something else to help me focus and stay alert. This means that having a problem with energy drinks at a young age could be a sign of similar addiction problems in the future. Not only this, but they also risk developing a tolerance to caffeine. This means that by the time they’re adults, they’ll need more and more of it to feel energized.

Instead of relying on energy drinks, try getting your energy from natural sources like exercise, good nutrition, and plenty of sleep. You find yourself needing why does alcohol cause easy bruising more and more energy drinks to get through the day. But it’s still a good idea to watch your intake to reduce your risk of other health concerns.

Withdrawal symptoms may include headaches, nausea, vomiting, and feelings of despair. EAP Services We work with companies to provide education on workplace substance abuse and get employees help they need. Northern Virginia Centrally located, safe and discreet outpatient behavioral rehab, including group and one-on-one therapy. The editorial staff of is comprised of addiction content experts from American Addiction Centers . Our editors and medical reviewers have over a decade of cumulative experience in medical content editing and have reviewed thousands of pages for accuracy and relevance.

What is energy drink addiction?

These can be a convenient way to get some energy on the go, but read the label! Choose ones with whole food ingredients that are low in added sugar. It’s not gonna give you wings or make you fly, but it’ll keep you hydrated and that’s always a good thing. And it’s probably way cheaper than your favorite energy drink. Finding activities to occupy your time can help you resist the urge to reach for an energy drink. Try picking up a new hobby, going for a walk, or spending time with friends and family.

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