Clean Code Comments by Uncle Bob part 2

In this talk, Uncle Bob revives that old notion of architecture and describes, in detail, the principles and rules in the Art of Drawing Lines. Nothing happens in our society without us. But so far, we are unorganized, undisciplined, and we have no unifying ethics or standards. Society is becoming aware of us. Software developers have become both villains and heroes in our culture.

Martin has authored many books and magazine articles. He was the editor-in-chief of C++ Report magazine and served as the first chairman of the Agile Alliance. Is it really possible to express every salient point about code through naming? Similarly for code that might appear to have poor performance but is fine because of some nugget of wisdom about the problem domain that would escape the casual observer.

uncle bob's clean code

This book is a must for any developer, software engineer, project manager, team lead, or systems analyst with an interest in producing better code. Note that Uncle Bob has available videos on YT where basically the content of his books is showcased. Javascript is not a difficult language but a poorly written and poorly standardised language. Last language javascript should be of choice of any programmer. You can not get sillier than that. Time might be better spent on strategies for absolving your code base of such nonsense .

Better to have many functions than to pass some code into a function to select a behavior. Don’t write methods which works correctly depending on something else in the same class. After you’ve listened to this talk, you’ll never think about functions the same way again. This is a playful talk, that concludes with a stark warning.

Uncle Bob’s Clean Code: Irrelevant in the Age of Full-Stack JavaScript?

The research wasn’t quite as naive as you perhaps imagine it might have been and I’m pretty sure there were enough controls to avoid this inconsistency. The pundits were world experts in internal consistency and external validity of experimental design. There is truth to this, but at least if it was in a proper style, the programming faults may be easier to spot and fix to a more experienced hand during code review and not allow it to be perpetuated. It also allows the more experienced programmer to show how faults can be spotted and fixed just by logically and visually inspecting the style.

uncle bob's clean code

Agile Manifesto is a set of 12 principles which forms a process which is dynamic by nature and encouraging rapid and flexible response to change. This new model was so suitable for software development, it took over the software development world and even some companies in other fields are getting inspired by some principles of Agile. Robert Martin is an American software engineer and author. He is known as Uncle Bob in the programming community. He is one of the 17 software development visionaries who came up with Agile Manifesto, an alternative model for software development.

Some of you might argue that what is all about the clean code? If a code can function, then it’s just enough. He also runs a website called Clean coders which hosts training videos for software developers. Robert Cecil Martin , colloquially called “Uncle Bob”, is an American software engineer, instructor, and best-selling author. He is most recognized for developing many software design principles and for being a founder of the influential Agile Manifesto.

Development Category

If there’s one place where the book struggles, it’s in the fact that it was written one year prior to the birth of Node.js and the full-stack JavaScript application. The code examples–all written in Java–have aged reasonably well, except for the fact that they’re written in Java. In this talk Uncle Bob talks about what makes functions clean. He addresses the size of functions, the content of functions, the names of functions, the arguments of functions, and just about everything else that can be crammed into an hour long talk about functions. In this talk Uncle Bob addresses this fundamental problem, and lays out his concept for the ethics of software development. This is a talk about the history and future of computing, and the future of programming.

Mind you, this was written when Java 6 was the latest and greatest and Java had not fully embraced the functional style with the introduction of lambda expressions and java.util.function. Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like my review of Clean Code, a must-read book for software engineers and professional developers then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

Keeping your JavaScript code functional is probably the only path to sanity in a large JavaScript codebase. Martin’s chapter on functional code is maybe the most valuable 22 pages you could read on the subject of staying sane. If this book were to be written today, the code examples ought to be written in JavaScript. Not only is JavaScript the most appropriate language for this book because of its widespread use and promising future, but JavaScript is also a much more difficult language in which to write clean code.

The only thing that has changed is how they feel about it. 20 years ago they felt a nagging sense of shame about not doing something they were told was good practice. Now they feel good about not doing something they are told is bad practice. If a code isn’t clean, it can bring the company to its knees and reduce its ability to remain competitive by providing cutting-edge solutions. Since a Code needs to be maintained in most of his life-span, it must allow you to maintain and extend, and that’s what clean code does.

Object Oriented Design. What is it really?

Well, you won’t appreciate good until you have seen bad code and that’s what this book does. The book also includes a number of case studies and examples to illustrate the concepts being discussed. Robert C. Martin is the co-founder of, author of several very popular books including clean code, public speaker, idol of many programmers. This is especially relevant to JavaScript developers because unless your tests break, it’s very easy to screw up code that you’re working in without knowing that you broke it. Abiding by this principle is also perhaps the best way to discern the boundaries of a function’s responsibility (and keeping your functions short, another of Martin’s values).

  • My code isn’t bug free from the get-go, but generally I can locate a bug in at most a few minutes.
  • Unit tests are the answer to many problems, but there are certainly edge cases that will frustrate you when you fat finger a variable name.
  • He is most recognized for developing many software design principles and for being a founder of the influential Agile Manifesto.
  • We’d love to talk with you about your next great software project.
  • His vast experience in writing software, his simple, well detailed and humorous way of presenting software development concepts earned him a reputation very few developers have in the community.

This is a weird subject to tackle, especially since some JavaScript frameworks are built around solving this problem, but it would still be nice to have it directly addressed by Martin. I encountered this problem recently when writing a function that programmatically creates the name of the image file it needs based on a combination of variables that describe some state of the app. As I was reading this, I realized that there were formatting inconsistencies in my codebase that had been really irritating me. I immediately took a few minutes to do a find and replace on stuff like spaces between closing parens and opening curly braces in anonymous function expressions. I was really quite surprised to find how much better I felt after doing this. I found the foreword written by James O. Coplien to be really insightful.

Comments are a last resort

In it, we talk about how programming began, how it progressed, where it is today, and where it is likely to be headed. In this talk, Uncle Bob transports you into an alternate reality where he is your new CTO. This is what he expects from you. As you listen, notice how reasonable these expectations are to customers and users. Notice also how impossible they appear to programmers. The awesome @unclebobmartin shares his experience and thoughts on OO Design and explores the question “Object Oriented Design. What is it really?”.

Table of contents

“Class” consists of extracted functions that manipulate a set of variables. Sink in the sea How to Become a Robotics Engineer From Scratch in 2022 of tiny little functions? The software breaks in many places due to a single change.

Overall, “Clean Code” is a highly respected and widely-read book in the software development community, and is considered a must-read for any developer looking to improve their skills and write better code. But if code isn’t clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code.

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