Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database List #2 of Hungarian women Released from Concentration Camp at Hasag-Altenberg and now Situated at Waldenburg

In September, the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions recommended downgrading the status of the Commissioner from “A” to “B”, in accordance with the Paris Principles, as the office had not engaged with or addressed all human rights issues in Hungary. Hungary took over the Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers in May for six months. Informed by multiple linguistic and international traditions, and blending interdisciplinary artistic and critical expertise, these writers rank among the most acclaimed in Hungary today. Réka Mán-Várhegyi heads to the pitch with a woman who finds herself mysteriously turned into Lionel Messi. Zsuzsa Selyem channels the despair of a homeless prostitute ravaged by time and alcohol. And Krisztina Tóth plants the seeds of a classic cross-cultural (and cross-culinary) miscommunication. Television (41.9%), the internet (41.0%), and general practitioners or specialists (38.3%) were the three most common information sources among laywomen.

  • In March, the ECtHR ruled that detaining asylum seekers in areas known as “transit zones” qualified as unlawful detention.
  • Although knowledge was insufficient in almost all fields of the questionnaire, the most prominent gap was observed concerning risk factors and signs and symptoms of BC both in laywomen and, unexpectedly, screening attendees.
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  • In order to increase the number of Roma women employed in higher-quality public positions , the state aims to continue the program “The Opportunity is Growing” and complement its activities with digitalization.
  • In 2011, the Hungarian government was found to have financed an anti-abortion campaign with European funds, which provoked the anger of the European Commission.

When it comes to the employment situation of Roma women, the HNSIS put a special emphasis on providing equality programs and measures to close the gap between Roma women and the rest of the Hungarian population. Here too, it stressed that cultural factors http://stropex.com/uruguay-un-women-americas-and-the-caribbean/ can negatively affect the employment rates of Roma women. But it made no reference to any scientific literature on these cultural factors, a signal that this was a weak point in the strategy. The strategy seemingly did not intend to address how different factors, such as racism and mental and physical health, were intertwined with each other, which would be crucial for improving the Roma’s situation in Hungary. On the positive side, the strategy identified the necessity to invest in Roma women with young children and to support their reintegration into the labor market. For this, “integration support” would be provided by the state adult education institutions to those who participate in labor-market training courses.


Our results revealed that Hungarian women including laywomen and, unexpectedly, screening attendees are often mis- and underinformed about the risk factors as well as about the signs and symptoms of BC. These findings urge for immediate BC screening and breast health knowledge intervention to increase knowledge among people, especially in the younger and less educated strata of society and villagers. Since electronic media and healthcare workers are the major information sources, distribution of reliable and easily digestible information via these channels may improve knowledge, therefore improving awareness of BC screening.

We used the χ2 test with Z test to reveal the association between participation in screening and knowledge of timing of BC screening. In multivariate analysis, we used logistic regression with a probability of 95% with explanatory variables including age, education, and place of residency to examine the association between the sociodemographic characteristics and the dichotomous outcomes. Followed by a set of 16 questions regarding knowledge of BC and BC screening, including multiple-choice questions about information sources. In terms of signs and symptoms of BC, respondents indicating correctly at least 5 options of the 8 given were considered to have sufficient knowledge. In terms of risk factors of BC, respondents indicating correctly at least 2 options and incorrectly maximum 1 option of 21 given were considered to have sufficient knowledge. Many times, non-Roma social and public workers discriminate against Roma families and remove children even when the financial situation, parental mistreatment, and living conditions could be improved with the help of social workers, doctors, teachers, and local authorities.

While describing the situation of Roma girls, https://thegirlcanwrite.net/hot-hungarian-women/ the HNSIS made a strong connection between particular gendered roles within the Roma community and the quality of educational opportunities. It argued that gendered factors such as women taking care of the whole household, raising children, and being under pressure to marry are common in Roma culture and traditions.

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Physical and Mental Health

Although the EU Roma Strategic Framework is a good step, member states still take it only as a guideline and not a standard when designing their national Roma strategies. While the EU Framework clearly emphasizes the importance of fighting anti-gypsyism and of empowerment, which are essential elements for the inclusion of Roma, especially women, the Hungarian strategy lacks these aspects. The case of Hungary is not unique; there are similar problems in other member states as well. Implementing the recommendations below would therefore lead to the improvement of not only Hungary’s Roma strategy but at the EU level as well. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency suspended its operations in Hungary in January after the government failed to address a December 2020 ruling by the Court of Justice of the EU against its asylum law and practices. The court ruled that large-scale pushbacks introduced by legislation in 2016 violated Hungary’s obligation to ensure effective access to international protection for asylum seekers. In 2021, more than 71,000 pushbacks took place at the Serbian-Hungarian border.

After the company she worked for downsized, she relocated to the United States with her family to continue her career. One can find inspiration anywhere, and this older woman is nothing but inspirational. She is 102 years old, making her the most senior living Olympic champion and medallist. She was considered one of the founders of solar thermal storage systems and was nicknamed the “Sun Queen.” She investigated the energy produced by living organisms at age twenty-five. It also boasts 13 Nobel Prize winners, and magician Harry Houdini was also born in the country’s capital, Budapest.

First, there was a lack of awareness and practical implementation of intersectionality in it. The strategy pointed out several important issues that Roma girls and women face in Hungary, but discrimination based on race, sexuality, disability, or https://t2t.io/2023/01/24/the-truth-about-gender-equality-in-cuba/ age were not taken into account—neither in discussing the situation of Roma women and girls, nor in the targeted measures. The second, larger program—Bari Shej (“Big Girl” in Romani) mostly targeted Roma girls living in disadvantaged areas. Its projects targeted Roma girls aged 10–18 from severely disadvantaged backgrounds who were at risk of dropping out from school for various reasons. The projects aimed to help young Roma girls through their difficulties by offering them various trainings on self-confidence, self-awareness, communication, learning strategies, and mentoring. To learn about it, the RCM interviewed several Roma girls in the town of Buják. According to the RCM, the girls could not openly talk about certain topics that are often treated as taboos in the Roma community, such as sexuality and family planning.

Eszter Szabo was troubled by how to accumulate https://www.mozzarisella.com/healthcare-consumption-and-cost-estimates-concerning-swedish-women-with-endometriosis/ more local capital in the global innovation competition. Women were the answer; she founded Women / Business / Angels, an NGO facilitating and promoting women’s engagement in innovation decision-making. Magda Szabo is a Hungarian novelist with publications in 42 countries in over 30 languages.

Although the reliability and credibility of websites are questionable and often misleading, it is rare that patients, or at least their relatives, do not search for information about BC on the internet. The discrepant information sources between groups may explain the differences in the answers to the questions related to screening protocol and clinical phenotype of BC. The new strategy states that equal access to public services for Roma women remains a horizontal concern. Increasing the access of Roma women to health care and their employment in public institutions also remain as important elements. The strategy has as one main goal to pay particular attention to the prevention of early school-leaving among Roma girls and their further education. Therefore, the state aims to decrease the percentage of those Roma who are “not in employment, education or training” to 30 percent and also to increase the number of disadvantaged people in adult education. The percentage of young Roma who neither study nor work in Hungary is around 41 percent according to the strategy.

However, because of the additional oppression Roma women face due to racism, they do need more targeted measures that focus on the racism dimension as well as the gender one. Therefore, a combination of a gender mainstreaming approach and an intersectional one that more purposefully tackles racism and gender would be the most effective way to help Roma women. The gender mainstreaming should focus not only on gender as a social category but also on factors such sexuality, age, and religion. It is very common mistake in gender mainstreaming to take gender as a synonym for women, which is not true. Gender identity is in a strong multi-angled relationship with all these social constructions that should to be emphasized in any integration strategy. Third, the evidence of homophobia, racism, and sexism in the HNSIS and its measure are serious concerns if the state wanted to improve the situation of Roma women and girls.

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