Using a Board Meeting Structure That is Tailored to Your Company’s Needs

A board meeting structure tailored to the requirements of your company will help you to have productive discussions and ensure that all important points are documented. While there are some conventions you can stick with however, it is best to take a flexible approach and be open to changes.

Begin the meeting by a an order to begin and reviewing the agenda. The board chair asks whether there are any changes or additions that need to be made. After all items are agreed upon, the board chair decides to approve the agenda for board discussion and action.

The board reviews reports from various committees and departments which must be presented. The meeting’s report section usually covers progress reports including budgets and financial statements review of proposals, and more. It is a good idea to limit the number of topics related to reports to keep the meeting from getting bogged down with administrative matters.

The chair helps the board members find a common ground to discuss and reach a consensus on solutions. The chair will end a board meeting when there is no further items to discuss or as the time when the meeting to end approaches.

Certain directors may be distracted by discussions that arise at the time of the board meeting. These topics can derail important discussions. To mitigate this you can add the “parking lot” item on the agenda, where directors can put forth random topics that require to be discussed, but that aren’t prioritised. This lets the board discuss the issues and decide whether they should be further investigated or added to the next agenda.

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