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They like to flirt and have deep conversations where they can really get to know another person. Your biggest fear in a relationship is feeling like you’re possessed by someone (not a demon, your partner), or restricted. Of course, serious relationships can make you freak out a bit, and you might start feeling this way even when your partner isn’t restricting you. By the end of this post, you will bring a gun to the male mind games’ knife fight. I encountered these types of girls who like to create competition between males which is a very dangerous game.

So, you can simply ask her to explain her behavior. Asking questions can throw her off guard because she’s probably not expecting you to catch on to her mind game playing. When a girl does this, she doesn’t know how to cope with intense adult feelings.

People who play mind games do so to gain control over others. Some of the signs of mind games in a relationship include the need to make others feel jealous. People who play mind games like attention, so they improvise to make you feel jealous when you don’t give them.

Instead I could’ve turned off my phone for a few hours and genuinely been busy. But if you’re trying hard to appear disinterested while sitting around waiting for their call — it’s a game. Then when he did text, I regularly made myself wait for at least 30 minutes before replying, but never too long. The advice you often hear is to make them wait for hours, even days to show you’re too busy and totally not desperate. I listened any spare moment I had — doing dishes, cooking dinner, having a bath…I obsessed over them. They promised I’d find “the one” within a year if I followed their techniques.

Yes, make me work for your attention, but no one wants to be neglected – that’s just a turn off. Playing games get really tiring especially when you just want to find that person to share your life with and vice versa. Well said, and so relieved to see this comment, as the article was horrifying. I am confused because I thought by now he should know his plans. Yesterday he said he still likes me but thinks our relationship has a long way to go and is not yet sure about the future.

He Flakes On You Most Of The Time.

Blaming others for unpleasant situations often hurts, especially if you don’t know where you acted wrong. Meanwhile, the signs of mind control in a relationship come from low self-esteem and cowardice. Instead of solving these problems, they would project them onto others.

It is allowing the other person to experience what they think it is that they want. Not worth breaking up with someone over unless it’s done with a high frequency. An example is if your significant other starts pouting. Scorpios are naturally distrusting, obsessive, drawn to the dark side of life, and can be pessimistic.

They want to see if you are a person with weak boundaries or if you are able to stand up for yourself. People who do this are generally people who are looking for someone with weak personal boundaries and that’s why they try to test your boundaries. People use guilt-trip techniques (blaming others) to make the other person weaken their personal boundaries.

Signs Someone Is Playing Mind Games With You

And if you feel your partner is being dishonest, you might want to communicate your fears to them directly before jumping to any conclusions. The problem arises when there’s MORE than respect given to men from women. I have tried so hard so many times to walk away from him but end up back to where i started. Although he is behaving in such a manner there is a side to him where he is the perfect person someone can ask for to have as a part of their life.

These are the games you don’t want to play.

For the purpose of this article, we will be focusing on men and the mind games they play. Men are genetically programmed to take care of women. So, why is it that they have the capacity to purposely inflict mental and emotional pain on the ones they’re supposed to be caring for? If only it was solely used for those reasons, then the world would be a much better place. Unfortunately, those of us who don’t see the benefits that mind games offer tend to use it for devious purposes – specifically, relationships. It can make her feel comfortable and secure around you, which could make her open up to you.

Engle claims if they attempt to flip the script and also make it out as if you’re the only being unrealistic, it is the right time to get free from truth be told there. “expert pickup musicians train men to ‘neg’ ladies,” says Barrett. Most people you meet won’t be the right one for you. It’s not about trying to catch someone and keep them on the hook as long as you can, either.

It’s frustrating how there’s so many mind games involved with dating now

This mind game can also, in some cases, be used when someone is interested in someone else, but their feelings stop in infatuation, never progressing to a more sustainable relationship. These people may lack self-awareness and not realize that this love bombing – and their excitement for the other person – will be short-lived. Signs of mind games in relationships make you feel sad, replaceable, and worthless.

Whatever the prize is, using mind games to acquire it never ends well. Is he constantly finding faults with your dressing, behavior, Facebook posts, etc? Then this may be a sign that he is playing the ‘finding fault’ mind game with you.

It feels like a victory to win the affection of someone else. You deserve to be with someone who loves you with all their heart and cherishes you, not someone who plays toxic mind games with you. I hope you enjoyed reading through this list,  while the points are not exhaustive, you’ll certainly find them useful. They’ll help you avoid getting trapped in a man’s manipulative games whether you’ve started dating one or you are about to. You’d be surprised to know the distrust and accusation is exhibited not only with friends or random persons he sees you talking to but also with family.