The 1 Thing That Made Kelly Rutherford Lose Custody

If you’re still on the fence about whether to battle it out in court, think about the issues covered above while focusing on what’s best for your child in the short and long term. You might still decide that you have to head to court, but you also might determine that you should exhaust your other options first. In a child custody evaluation, a trained evaluator creates a written recommendation for custody and provides a copy to the parents and the judge. If either parent disagrees with the recommendation, the parent can file a written objection and request a full trial. If the parents accept the recommendation, the judge will approve and sign it. A custody evaluation can speed the process up and save you the time and expense of a trial.

Some parents think that bias still exists to this day, and I have not found that to be the case. As I stated under #9 above, the judicial officer looks at who has been caring for the child historically. I have a number of dad clients that were historically the primary parent, and the judicial officer has continued that schedule. Mothers do not get a “leg up” so to speak, unless the child is very young and still breast feeding. Even then, the judicial officer looks very carefully at whether breast feeding is necessary, and what options the parents have to get around it. Try not to assume what a judicial officer is going to do without speaking to an attorney about it.

They helped him take the kids and keep them to abuse and not let their mother see them, for over a year and a half. UNTIL I BEGGED THE COURT for a hair follicle test. Anytime someone we never seen before comes knocking on our door my anxiety and fear skyrocket. EVERY call and EVERY accusation has been unfounded EACH AND EVERY time but it’s mentally exhausting and traumatizing to go through this twice or more a year. I am currently in a battle with my ex who i found a new man and new life while I was out of town working to stabilize the family.

I had my children in a bush behind a church. I’m going through the exact thing right now. It is a 3 year post divorce custody case where my ex husband is looking for 50/50 parenting time and no child support since we make equal pay. We had a parenting agreement where he had parenting time on sat from 9 am to Monday at 5pm. I agreed he pay 1100 a month for 3 kids even though the kids were entitled to 1600 a month in child support.

False Allegations in Custody Cases: Questions, Observations & Comments

That last one I heard from a Social Worker. The family law system is beyond repairable and not one person will stand and fight for change I’ve sent e-mail after e-mail after e-mail to so many different entities and yet still no response or no we won’t do anything. These poor children and future leaders or future doctors or future Politicians or future laborers have no chance.

He had already taken all the household money. Switching his direct deposit to his own new account. I was really sick after two heart failures.

Connect With TIME

It helps to give me peace of mind at least. At first I started thinking I must of done something wrong for him to be this way. So i kept thinking back to what I could of done. His divorce was final, not long ago and I think he truley was moving on, but then with the set back of this now bitter battle it is opening up all those fresh wounds again.

I found out by Facebook she had passed away. So as a Father who loves there child, I went to court to get visitation access. When I had gone to court, my ex- girlfriends family, would accuss me of assaulting her, accused me of going to jail for numerous assaults, called me a murderer, responsible for her death, in front of the judge, lawyers. I never got visitation, because those alligations broke me and I gave up after 3 years in family court. I was on vacation with my grand-daughter, the mother called the police and told them I was a possible DUI and had taken her child out of state without her knowledge.

Write down a list of 10 things you want to be accomplished and order them from most important to least important. More than likely, only two or three will be addressed, so make them good. The rest may qualify as bickering that you can work through or personal opinion.

The child has a counselor now due due to behaviors from well behave child to rages and school discipline problems. Twice I asked for a GAL to investigate more deeply. “If it’s not happening Judge, maybe a GAL can figure out WHAT is happening.” Judge says Mom is coaching. Go right here Mom does, Judge berates her and says she’s lower than a child molester! Kiddo is going to be severely abused and be afraid to talk because no one is listening and responding. Right now my daughter is trying to regain custody of her 4 year old son after drug addiction.

The opposing party especially the ex wife and attorney knowing they sworn an oath to protect . The legal system must shut down long enough to restaff them all. There is zero justice administered at all to anyone us and they have zero authority to hear cases with such biased mind set that everyone is lying in court! Constitution and state constitutions are being violated when they even assign a case to a Trial judge or commissioner knowing before hand of the death grip they have on civilians.