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As indicated earlier, there is no question but that the objectives which underlie this legislation are of a most worthy nature. Unfortunately, the claims of gains to be achieved at the cost of the infringement of free speech represented by s. It is far from clear that the legislation does not promote the cause of hate-mongering extremists and hinder the possibility of voluntary amendment of conduct more than it discourages the spread of hate propaganda. Accepting the importance to our society of the goals of social harmony and individual dignity, of multiculturalism and equality, it remains difficult to see how s. Although some evidence of care in linking s.

The mother often hangs upside down from a branch like a sloth, and the patagium then looks and feels like a hammock for the baby. To be a baby colugo peeping over the edge of a warm, furry hammock sounds appealing. A baby tree shrew, on the other hand, receives perhaps less maternal care than any other baby mammal. The mother tree shrew, at least in several of the species, has two nests, one in which she herself lives, the other in which the babies are deposited. She visits them only to feed them, and then only for the briefest possible time, between five and ten minutes. And she visits them for this brief feed only once in every 48 hours.

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It will by now be quite clear that I do not view the infringement of s. 319 as a restriction of the most serious kind. The expressive activity at which this provision aims is of a special category, a category only tenuously connected with the values underlying the guarantee of freedom of speech. Moreover, the narrowly drawn terms of s.

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I am very reluctant to attach anything but the highest importance to expression relevant to political matters. Together with my comments as to the tenuous link between communications covered by s. 319 and other values at the core of the free expression guarantee, this conclusion leads me to disagree with the opinion of McLachlin J. That the expression at stake in this appeal mandates the most solicitous degree of constitutional protection. In my view, hate propaganda should not be accorded the greatest of weight in the s. Royal College dealt with provincial limitations upon the freedom of dentists to impart information to patients and potential patients via advertisements.

The evolution of mammal traits can be thought of as the result of complex interactions between changes in morphology and metabolism, represented here as a network. Before the dinosaurs Thephylogenetic relationships of the mammal-like reptiles. ■ The fovea is the small area in the middle of the human retina where cone cells are concentrated so that acuity, and colour vision, are both maximal.

It may harm reputations, incite acts of violence. It may be abused to undermine our fundamental governmental institutions and undercut racial and social harmony. The law may legitimately trench on freedom of expression where the value of free expression is outweighed by the risks engendered by allowing freedom of expression. In sum, having followed this Court’s decision in Whyte in deciding that s. 11 of the Charter, I nonetheless find the impugned provision to be justified under s. The way in which I have defined the s.

I believe a change in behaviour came first — suddenly by evolutionary standards — and it was followed by a whole lot of consequential evolutionary changes. As so often, there are modern equivalents to make the idea vivid for us today. The brine shrimp is one example, and we hear its tale next. Definite front end with a head, a starfish can ‘lead’ with any one of its five arms.

An infringement of this seriousness can only be justified by a countervailing state interest of the most compelling nature. The consequences of the infringement of freedom of speech imposed by s. 319 of the Criminal Code considered from the viewpoint of the individual caught within its net are equally serious. The exercise of the right of free speech contrary to its provisions may result in a criminal record and imprisonment of up to two years.

But incases such as Morgentaler, where it appears that the legislation not only may fail to achieve its goal but may have a contrary effect, the Court is justified in finding that the rational connection between the measure and the objective is absent. This is only a matter of common sense. How can a measure which takes away a measure of one’s constitutional freedom be reasonably and demonstrably justified unless there is some likelihood that it will further the objective upon which its justification rests?

I turn then to the question of whether the expression here at issue falls within the sphere of conduct protected by the guarantee of freedom of expression in the Charter. As this Court has repeatedly affirmed, the content of a statement cannot deprive it of the protection accorded by s. 2, no matter how offensive it may be. The content of Mr. Keegstra’s statements was offensive and demeaning in the extreme; nevertheless, on the principles affirmed by this Court, that alone would appear not to deprive them of the protection guaranteed by the Charter. These decisions confirmed the fundamental importance of freedom of speech and the press in Canada.